Last week I wanted to write a pre-Turkey Season post about getting ready for the weekend, where I wanted to hunt and when, but now that that weekend has passed - it all seems pretty pointless. We headed out to Gurra Ranch Thursday afternoon hoping to all get Tom Turkeys on Saturday and some hogs throughout . Alpar a fairly new addition to the assorted crew rode out with me and Anders followed shortly thereafter. We arrived, set up, and went to bait, and drank a few beers after Anders arrived. We planned our hunts, locations and times. I would start out on the NE corner where I saw the turkeys in December also where I shot a hog.
Saturday came and the morning hunt produced nothing. After a late breakfast and some minor chores, we met back at camp for lunch and more beers. A gobbler was going nuts about 150 yards to the SE, we had heard him Thursday and Friday, but now it was legal to take him; only problem was, he was across the road down in a gully on another ranchers land.
I made a couple hen and jake calls from camp and he was responding to every other one. I grabbed my Benelli and went to see how far away he was. I closed in on him moving several times closer when I could tell he was crowing away from me. I had pretty thick cover and I was moving really slow. I took up a position against an oak; I must have been 75 yards I estimated from him at that point. I returned to camp got my camera (point and shoot POC), turkey vest and all of my calls and headed back to that spot. I sat there for another 20 minutes conversing with this stubborn ass mule of a Tom.
I moved again to a closer, better position to wait him out. I got the camera affixed, did some calling; by now he was getting closer. After 20 more minutes I caught a short glimpse of him making his way to the road and then he disappeared. I figured he would keep coming if a called a few more times as he bracketed my position; I put down the calls, pointed my shotty where I figured he would come out, it wasn’t 1 minute later he stuck his neck out from around the grove. Lights Out!
(My crappy camera couldn't take the shock of the gun blast and the video went into a tizzy.)
12ga Benelli Nova Pump, Winchester Supreme High Velocity Turkey Load, 3” 1300 FPS, 1 3/4 oz, #4
Why it's always a good idea to invest in quality scouting equipment, keep it in good working order, change the batteries, swap your cards as often as possible and spend some time analyzing your footage; if nothing more than to keep you motivated for the next season!
Spike. Look at the torn left ear?
Bigger this year!
Who knew it'd snow?
What? Another Spike?
Two Spikes.
Minding my own business.
Intruder Alert!
I'll just be leaving now.
"Big Hoss," missed my chance at a clear shot on him in December.
Stay thirsty my friends and
Get Some!