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July 05, 2010

At the Range with the Wife

If you haven’t guessed by now, two of my favorite past times involve fishing rods and fire arms. On one particular occasion, my wife agreed to come to the range and see what all the fuss was about. This was her first time firing an AR style rifle like this (Sig556). She was a bit nervous, but she did quite well I must say.

Here is her first target at 100 yards, and a short video clip of her in the act. I love you Markell!

July 04, 2010

Summer Fishing

Here in Texas, most of the fishing comes to a halt due to the heat, mostly it's too hot to be out on the water past 10:00 AM. However I have discovered several ways to keep the fish biting. In the summer the fish go deep because of two things, 1) The water temperature 2) Supportive O2 levels. One way I continue to catch fish is by going out early, sometimes as early as 3 AM! Going out early is great, but I think the fish prefer to sleep during 2 AM - 6 AM so if you can get out on the water by 6 AM I think you will have better performance and you undoubtedly get more sleep!
In late spring I went on a fishing trip to Minnesota and was also in search of lures that go deep. My local sporting goods stores and bait shops did not carry what I was looking for, the Deep Tail Dancer. The Deep Tail Dancers are made by RAPALA, they come in three flavors, but I prefer the 20' and 30' dive models because that is where the fish hang when it's hot. Shown here are four of my favorites: Flash Yellow Pearch, Bleeding Copper Flash, Flash Perch, and Purpledescent; since the surface temperatures have gone above 80 degrees, these are the ticket. On these lures shown I have caught plenty of bass
and several white bass at all hours of the day while trolling. Trolling is my new found love in Texas. As a boy we always trolled in MN, that's the best way to catch Northern Pike. I bought the lures as a means of catching striper in the summer, so far no luck, I even purchased salt water RAPALAs since they also have the X-RAP Magnum 30' seems like overkill for the lake, but check out this picture of Anders with a small largemouth.
On this particular trip we learned a lot about deep water high speed trolling!